Social media charity and financial transparency.
Responsibility and Transparency
Responsibility and transparency in the evaluation of charities is defined as:
- Responsibility is the responsibility or willingness of a charity to explain its activities to its partners.
- Transparency is the responsibility or commitment of a charity to publish and make critical data about the organization.
Responsible and transparent charities are more likely to act honestly and learn from their mistakes because they want donors to know that they are trustworthy. In general, charities that follow best practices in governance, donor relationships, and related areas are less likely to engage in unjust or irresponsible activities. Therefore, charities should be less likely to misuse donations than charities that do not adopt such practices.
When examining accountability and transparency, two questions need to be answered.
- Does the charity follow good governance and ethical best practices?
- Will charity make it easier for donors to find crucial information about the organization?
In recent difficult financial times, the efficiency with which a charity spends its assigned funds has become an increasingly important aspect of charitable activity. Transparency regarding efficiency, including reporting on relevant actions and information on understanding, contextualizing and evaluating such actions, is considered important to a group of participants.
Social Media and Charity
Social media (SM) is widely used by non-profit organizations (NPOs). However, very little is known about how they are used for fundraising, especially their benefits / advantages and the best strategies to increase value from such campaigns.
NPOs began to take advantage of low - cost Internet-based technologies such as the Internet and social media for fundraising.
Many NPOs use blogs and social media pages as advocacy tools for public relations instead of official websites.
Today, more and more NPOs are taking advantage of social media to promote awareness and seek support online through social media campaigns, because social media not only allows them to easily and financially deliver messages to target audiences, but sometimes does both at the same time. . Indeed, fundraising through social media is one of the fastest growing methods used by NPOs to receive funds from individuals.
Fake Charities Identifiers
- Fake charities try to take advantage of your generosity and compassion for others in need. Scammers will rob you of your money by pretending to be a real charity. These scams not only cost you money, but also divert necessary donations from legitimate charities and causes.
- Corruptors can either act as agents of legally known charities or create their own charitable name. This may include charities that conduct medical research or support patients and their families. They may pose as individuals in need of donations for health or other reasons.
- Scammers can also play on your emotions by claiming to help sick children.
- Fake charities operate in many different ways. People collecting money may approach you on the street or at your front door. Fraudsters may also set up fake websites, such as those run by real charities. Some scammers will call or email you asking for donations.
A variety of such activities have recently been reported globally.
Social media and charity in Kerala : allegations
There are various social media charities in Kerala itself .. Many people and many organizations are raising money for many things ..
There have been widespread complaints and allegations about this recently. Facebook Live calls for charity work and fundraising, but the problem is that none of these have published figures, websites or reports. The fact that people show up when they come can not be considered an audit. Various studies related to such activities are being conducted in other countries. However, considering that there have been no other studies on charitable activities in Kerala other than some police cases, students in the field of finance should try to learn about such activities and submit reports as part of their project.
Related press releases are available from major newspapers in Kerala.
Project Topic and various studies
However, the following are reports of studies conducted in this regard and the activities of some charitable organizations. You can study about a particular case, about an organization, or about related controversies.
PG and Research students can also collect information from the concerned authorities and the police through the Right to Information Act
Links to related articles and studies are shown below:
A Review of Charities Administration in India : Planning commission Recommendations : 2004
The Importance of Transparency on Efficiency by Charities
Thesis Download: The effectiveness of social media in Irish charities : an investigation into application, fundraising and transparency
Non-governmental organizations in India
Accountability to Members in Grassroots Organizations: Evidence from India
How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media for Fundraising: A Systematic Literature Review
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